3-TIPS to HACK your way to SUCCESS in 2023!

3 tips to hack your way to success in 2023

Are you prepared to take charge of your life and make 2023 the year that you finally succeed in ALL of your objectives?

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Here are the 3 powerful tips to hack your way to success in 2023:

HACK TIP#1 Mastering Responsibility

Let’s start with the first hacking tip: mastering responsibility. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But Theo, I already know that I’m responsible for my life.” But here’s the thing, knowing and doing are two different things. You see, it’s easy to blame other people or external circumstances for our failures, but the truth is, we are the only ones in control of our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

For instance, 5-years ago, I found myself stuck in a dead-end job, feeling unfulfilled and unappreciated. I kept telling myself that it was my boss’s fault, or the company’s fault, or the economy’s fault. But then, I realized that I was the only one responsible for my own happiness. And that’s when I decided to take action and start my own coaching business.

I am aware that many of you are likely thinking, “Yeah, but establishing your own business is risky, what if it fails?”

The basic conclusion is that you must assume complete responsibility for your life if you want to thrive . Make a deliberate effort to go forward with your goals every day as your first action step. Never forget that success is a journey, not a destination. Moreover, starting with the initial step is the only way to get there. Let that first step be being responsible for your thoughts, and emotions.

HACK TIP#2 Developing Powerful Routines

Now that you’ve got the first hacking tip down, let’s move on to the second: developing powerful routines. You see, the key to success is consistency. And the only way to be consistent is by having a clear plan of action. That’s where routines come in.

Back When I decided to write my book, “The Practice Method: 30-Day Blueprint for Living Your Extraordinary Life”, I knew that I needed to make writing a priority. So, I created a daily routine that included time for research, writing, and editing. And you know what? I finished my book in just three months!

“Yeah Theo, but what if my routine gets boring?” My response to that is “Then you’re not doing it with FUN & PLAY,” Make an effort to include enjoyment, self-care, fun& play, family & friends in daily routines. Maybe you include time to laugh or be inspired. Also, prioritize your own needs in terms of your health and what makes you happy. Possibly include meditation, prayer, reading, workingout. Feed your soul first. If you don’t assist yourself first, you can’t help anyone else.

Therefore, you must establish a daily routine that supports your priorities and ambitions if you want to succeed in 2023. Also, don’t forget to schedule time for rest and self-care. Keep in mind that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Such this is your second action step: plan your day so that it supports your goals and includes time for rest and self-care.

HACK TIP#3 Utilizing The Power of Realization

And now for the third and final hacking tip: utilizing the power of realization through vivid visualization and meditation. You see, our thoughts shape our reality. And if we want to achieve our goals, we need to make sure that our thoughts are aligned with our desired outcome.

Before I started my coaching business, I would visualize myself having a successful business, with a steady stream of clients, and financial abundance, seeing myself recording podcast episodes, writing my book and publishing, seeing myself at book-signings, and being on TV. And you know what? That’s exactly what happened. By visualizing my goals in great detail, I was able to make them a reality.
“Yeah, but what if my visualization skills aren’t that good?” To which I say, “Practice makes perfect.”

Just keep practicing REALIZATION. If you need more practice you can listen to a PODCAST Episode that I devoted to Realization: goto: https://anchor.fm/theo-tilton/episodes/Realization-Meditation-e1a6f99
You can also: get a copy of “The PRACTICE Method” and read more about Realization on Day-6 in the book. Goto: www.thepracticemethod.com

To wrap things up! if you want to hack your way to success in 2023, you need to utilize the power of realization through vivid visualization and meditation. So, here’s your third and final action step: practice vivid visualization by picturing yourself achieving your goals in great detail and incorporate meditation into your daily routine to quiet your mind and focus your thoughts. Remember, visualization and meditation are the keys to unlocking the power of manifestation.

“Are you ready to take your personal and professional growth to the next level? Introducing the Practice Method 30-day online program, based on the international best-selling book. This comprehensive course includes all the tools, tips, tricks, and hacks you need to achieve success, plus a half a dozen bonuses. But that’s not all, our VIP pre-launch list gives you the opportunity to be notified at least 3 days earlier before the launch and guarantees you a pre-announcement 95% discount before anyone else in the general public. Want in? Go to LINK to get on the VIP announcement list.

And there you have it, the three key hacking tips to help you get what you want in 2023: mastering responsibility, developing powerful routines, and utilizing the power of realization through vivid visualization and meditation. Remember, success is not a destination, it’s a journey. And the only way to get there is by taking consistent action toward your goals. So, go out there and make 2023 the year you finally achieve your dreams.

For this or Better Yet Still, Until our next time together, ciao for now
Coach Theo Tilton

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